lighting on address allows emergency services to find your home

Oak Trees lit up in front of house

Fine Art Illuminated

Landscape lighting shows the way to the entry to welcome guests

Granite Bay Landscape Lighting provides visual continuity

Granite Bay Landscape lighting symmetry with a pleasing proportion

At the front door uplit trees flank the entry

Soft lighting shows features and encourages outdoor living
Area lights on the driveway create a scalloped pattern of light

Oak Trees and Japanese Maples illuminated
Balanced lighting portrait invites the eye to comfortably travel across the scene

Driveway and truck beautifully illuminated with downlighting
Lit Parking area using Moonlighting effect with leaf shadows-

Moonlighting providing beauty and access
Downlighting from the overhang to creates the sense of a room
Landscape lighting beyond creates a sense of depth in the scene
Lighting, while creating an enjoyable night scene or room in a landscape, can direct people's eyes and experience
Path lighting invites people to a remote seating area
The form of the lit trees is more evident without leaves
Mature oak trees have beautiful structure revealed with uplighting from the ground
Light can create rooms for night enjoyment, as well as view out windows
In grade fixtures illuminate these oak trees from the grass
Night time lighting adjustments are necessary to achieve the desired effect
Path lighting provides safe access from the sidewalk to front door
Oak trees illuminated in the background extend the visual portrait
Uplighting the palm trees reveals their canopies
Back lighting reveals the silhouette
Downlights are carefully located to provide required lighting without seeing the fixtures
Soft downlighting provides safe access to the deck from the steps
stronger light on the birches pulls the viewers eye to that visual destination

Granite Bay Outdoor Lighting

Granite Bay Landscape Lighting

Granite Bay Landscape Lighting